Business Acquisition 1

Dear sir

Our underwriter company is seeking the attention of genuine and reliable persons, companies

who are indeed in need of funds as investment capital or business expansion in form of a

direct loan to partner with us and benefit in our new Loan and Project funding programs.

We offer flexible loans and funding for various projects at very affordable low interest

rate of 3% annually for a period of 1-15 years on Non collateral loan/funding . We offer

loan/funding from a minimum of Euro ? / USD$ 1 Million to Euro ? / USD$ 1 Billion. Max,

depending on the nature of business/project.

We are currently funding for:-

* Starting up a Franchise

* Business Acquisition

* Business Expansion

* Commercial Real Estate purchase

* Consultancy and Contract Execution, Marine , ETC.

Kindly get in touch for further details and procedure.



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Dear Beloved

Dear Beloved

Life is gradually passing away from me as a result of my present medical
condition and my personal doctor confided in me yesterday that I have only
but few more weeks to live.

In view of this setback, I want to donate my estate for humanitarian
assistance, since this has always been the plan of my late husband and
besides I have no child.

In an effort to compliment the good work of God almighty and the wish of my
late Husband I donate the sum of $2,800,000.00 (Two Million Eight Hundred
Thousand United States Dollars) to you.

On your acknowledgment of this mail and informing me of your nationality and
current place of resident, my Bank will facilitate due processes for
transfer of this legacy to you.

May God bless you as you use this money judiciously for the work of charity.

Sincere regards,

Mrs.verenich ekaterina

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